Our Fees
The energy consultancy market is currently unregulated and as such miss-selling and poor practice is unfortunately quite common. A key area of risk and confusion for customers is around transparency of fees for energy consultancy services. Many customers are unaware how their energy broker/consultant earns a fee, let alone how much they earn, and if it is value for money.
As an ethical energy consultancy, Mindful Energy aims to outline on this page how we earn our fees, clearly and transparently.
How do we get paid?
There are two primary methods of receiving fees. Customers either;
- Pay us directly for the agreed services at an agreed rate, or;
- Our fees are included in the energy supply contract unit rates and paid to us by the energy suppliers.
These two methods are explained in more detail below.
1. Supplier Paid Fees
The most common payment method is for Mindful Energy to receive an agreed commission from your energy supplier. In this scenario, our fee is built into your supply contract rates and paid to us directly by your chosen supplier.
For example;
- Customer A agrees to utilise Mindful Energy to source their energy supply contract renewal. The services and a fee of 0.25p per kWh is agreed and itemised on an agreement between Customer A and Mindful Energy.
- Mindful Energy sources a competitive supply contract for the customer using our reverse auction processes, and Customer A signs an electricity contract at a unit rate of 20p / kWh. Mindful Energy's fee of 0.25p per kWh is included in the 20p /kWh unit rate, with most suppliers itemising this commission on the supply contract.
- Customer A uses 100,000kWh of energy each year. So the estimated annual fee is £250 (100,000 x 0.25/100) and is paid to Mindful Energy by the supplier. The actual fee paid by the supplier may vary slightly, subject to the actual energy consumption of the customer.
2. Customer Paid Fees
Some customer prefer not to include fees in their energy supplier contract and would rather receive an invoice directly.
For example;
- Customer A agrees to utilise Mindful Energy to source their energy supply contract renewal. The services are agreed for a fee of £250 per annum, and itemised on an agreement between Customer A and Mindful Energy.
- Mindful Energy sources a competitive supply contract for the customer using our reverse auction processes, and Customer A signs an electricity contract at a unit rate of 19.75p / kWh. There is no commission included in this rate for Mindful Energy, with most suppliers itemising on the supply contract that zero commission is included.
- £250 per annum is invoiced by and paid to Mindful Energy by the customer, irrelevant of how much energy the customer consumes.
The chosen payment methodology, whether supplier paid or customer paid, is totally up to the preferences of our customers. Which ever route is chosen, we ensure the fees are transparent and consistent with what has been agreed.
What are Mindful Energy's Fees?
Our fees vary depending on the services required the following summary table aims to give you a steer on our costs. However, we appreciate customers have specific needs so please do get in touch for a tailored cost / benefit proposal.

To find out more about our services, please choose one of the options below.
Source the lowest cost gas & electricity supply contracts for your business.
Identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption and lower your costs.