1. Assessment and Analysis
Mindful Energy carried out an initial desktop assessment of the client’s current energy consumption, and contract terms to ensure we had a clear picture of they current contractual obligations. Following that, we delivered a risk workshop to help educate the client on the different energy supplier products available to them, providing back tested examples of each purchasing strategy highlighting the potential risks and rewards. Following the workshop, the client was able to form a clear view on how they would like to purchase electricity going forward.
2. Flexible Supply Procurement & Risk Management
The client decided they wish to agree a flexible supply contract and implement a risk averse hedging strategy. Mindful Energy scoped the clients’ requirements and submitted a whole of market invitation to tender.
Simultaneously, we worked with the client to agree the parameters of a risk policy, outlining key responsibilities of each party involved, and the agreed purchasing triggers. By providing full transparency of what was involved and who was responsible, the client was able to have a full understanding of what was expected of them.
3. The Results
The Tender Process
- Mindful Energy were able to negotiate a saving of 3.08% / £60k on the fixed costs built into the supply contract. Additionally, the winning supplier removed several onerous and potentially material clauses from their contract.
Risk Management
- By deploying a risk averse strategy, the client avoided the peak prices seen during the energy crisis. This resulted in a cost avoidance of £2.02m.
- Additionally, the client purchased a small percentage of their volume on a month ahead basis. To date, this has produced a saving of 10.4% / £204k, compared to a fixed supply contract reference price on the same day as the signed flex contract.