Tinklin Springall Solicitors (TSS)
Mindful Energy carried out a meter asset level audit, creating an accurate site list for all meters at each premises. In doing so, Mindful Energy were able to establish the relevant contract and pricing information for each of TSS’s sites and create a strategy to aggregate them all on to one gas & electricity supply contract.
Mindful Energy focussed on the gas supplies initially due to their out of contract status, submitting a gas supply contract tender to the whole of market. Following a competitive auction process (what is the auction process?), TSS signed a gas supply contract that delivered an estimated saving of 48%.
Mindful Energy then carried out a whole of market electricity supply contract tender, requesting all meters to have one common end date. By aligning the meters in this way, TSS reduced the number of different invoices received and suppliers they needed to pay down to one monthly DD.
The result was a saving of 30% on TSS’s electricity bills, while significantly reducing the contract administration burden.
Mindful Energy deliver massive savings to TSS, impart due to some meters being out of contract, but mainly due to the power of the reverse auction methodology. Additionally, the reduction of supply contracts from 5 to 2 massively reduces the level of contract administration, allowing TSS to focus on their core business activities.